Air Power Archaeology

The Historical Archaeology of Second World War Air Power in Australia
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General Information

Royal Australian Air Force
Service No:
300348, 520, 270520
Squadron Leader
Date of Birth:
24 February 1917
Place of Birth:
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Prisoner of War:
Distinguished Flying Cross and Bar

Award Citations

Bar to Distinguished Flying Cross

As wing leader of a fighter wing, Squadron Leader JACKSON has displayed skilful leadership and courage in leading attacks on heavily defended enemy targets, and has at all times shown great eagerness to come to grips with the enemy.

He has led determined and successful attacks on enemy installations and shipping at Hansa Bay and Garove Island in the face of strong anti-aircraft fire.

By his outstanding courage, skill and devotion to duty, together with his ability and resource as a leader, Squadron Leader JACKSON has set a most excellent example, and has contributed largely to the successes achieved by No. 78 Wing.

He has carried out over 130 sorties and has destroyed five enemy aircraft in combat.

Distinguished Flying Cross

Squadron Leader Jackson enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force as an air cadet on the 6th November, 1939, and was appointed to a commission with the rank of Pilot Officer on the 12th March, 1940.

This officer has been in command of No. 75 Squadron since the 29th April, 1942, and has a confirmed total of five enemy aircraft destroyed in air combat. On one occasion when leading a defensive patrol of five aircraft, a formation of fifteen Japanese bombers escorted by Zeros was encountered heading for Port Moresby and, though in an unfavourable tactical position, Squadron Leader Jackson immediately led the five fighters to the attack and, pressing home his attack directly into the middle of the enemy formation, severely damaged one bomber causing the enemy formation to become disorganised and turn back after jettisoning its bombs. During this attack Squadron Leader Jackson was shot down but the determination of the attack achieved its object.

Squadron Leader Jackson led his Squadron in all major operations at Fall River, flying in extremely adverse weather conditions, and has displayed fine leadership and exceptional devotion to duty against superior numbers of the enemy. In addition the morale of the Squadron throughout all ranks has been maintained at a particularly high standard under his leadership. His courage, leadership and devotion to duty during the Milne Bay operations were outstanding.

Unit: No. 75 Squadron, RAAF

Gazetted: The London Gazette, 26 March 1943

Archival Material

National Archives of Australia

Series No. Control Symbol Item Title Digitised Item Item ID
A9300 JACKSON L D JACKSON LESLIE DOUGLAS : Service Number - 270520 : Date of birth - 24 Feb 1917 : Place of birth - BRISBANE QLD : Place of enlistment - POINT COOK VIC : Next of Kin - JACKSON WILLIAM 5256952

External Links

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