Air Power Archaeology

The Historical Archaeology of Second World War Air Power in Australia
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General Information

Royal Australian Air Force
Royal Australian Navy
Service No:
Squadron Leader
Date of Birth:
14 April 1921
Place of Birth:
Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
Prisoner of War:
Distinguished Flying Cross and Bar

Award Citations

Bar to Distinguished Flying Cross

Flying a specially fitted aircraft, Squadron Leader BRYDON carried out seven medium to low level vertical photographic missions over enemy ships and installations between 5th and 14th September, 1944.

Despite adverse weather conditions and accurate anti-aircraft fire, excellent photographs were obtained on all occasions.

On the 8th September, 1944, whilst engaged in photographing the Jeeman strip from 2,500 feet, his tail plane was considerably damaged by anti-aircraft fire and flying control was temporarily lost. In spite of the fact, however, that his elevators were practically inoperative, he successfully landed at base with excellent photographs.

Squadron Leader BRYDON displayed outstanding courage, keenness and initiative in carrying out these extremely hazardous operations which have proved of inestimable value.

Distinguished Flying Cross

As acting Squadron Commander of No. 78 I/F Squadron, Squadron Leader BRYDON has led the unit most efficiently in offensive operations against the enemy, resulting in the destruction by bombing and strafing of a very large amount of enemy equipment and defended installations.

He has convincingly demonstrated his eagerness under all conditions to destroy the enemy by individual attacks, with complete disregard for his own safety.

Squadron Leader BRYDON has at all times displayed outstanding courage and coolness, and by his keenness and intrepid leadership has proved a source of inspiration to all pilots of the squadron.

He has completed 470 hours of operational flying and has taken part in 138 sorties, including 52 strikes.

Unit: No. 78 Squadron, RAAF

Archival Material

National Archives of Australia

Series No. Control Symbol Item Title Digitised Item Item ID
A9300 BRYDON A H BRYDON ADAM HARVIE : Service Number - 578 : Date of birth - 14 Apr 1921 : Place of birth - ARMIDALE NSW : Place of enlistment - POINT COOK : Next of Kin - BRYDON A 5379061

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