Parafield, South Australia - 2 January 1940 to 31 January 1940 (NAA: A9186, 375)
The building of flight, office and camp equipment and servicing of aircraft was continued and preparations made for the commencement of the first entry of pupils on 8.1.40.
As from 2.1.40 the name of the Unit was changed from No. 2 Flying Training School to No. 1 Elementary Flying Training School.
The guard provided by the Garrison Battalion (4th Military District) moved into quarters within the camp and handed over the sentry post at the Main Gate to No. 1 Elementary Flying Training School on 2.1.40, but continued to provide a guard at the Control Tower and Transmitting Station.
The first entry of pupils comprising 1 Officer and 22 Cadets reported on 8.1.40 and immediately commenced training in accordance with the programme.
Flying was limited by the number of parachutes available (8 only) until 19.1.40, when permission was granted to continue training without them until supplies were forthcoming.
On 15.1.40 an additional Cadet reported and commenced training.
Training proceeded without serious interruption during the month and progress was satisfactory.
Three aircraft were damaged during faulty landings and 2 pupils were unable to reach the required standard and their training was discontinued.